Early I Wake to Count Out My Lunch

Early I wake to count out my lunch. Exactly twelve grapes I pluck from a bunch. Along with seven carrots, no more, no less. And a craving for an everything bagel, lightly toasted & suppressed. For my main course, a slice of whole wheat bread cut into two. Sandwiched together with peanut butter and jam, a tablespoon of each will do.

This may seem fastidious but it’ll do the trick. Helping me to drop jean sizes exceptionally quick. I still lack satisfaction with my appearance which is strange. But I’m sure once I lose some more weight things will change.

The 5th period bell rings and I make my way to the lunchroom. My stomach continues to growl and I can now feel the hunger sensation boom. By the time my lunchbox is empty, my stomach feels the same. But it’s not until after school that I re-acknowledge this aching feeling again.



Reasons to Get the Ice Cream If You’re Craving Ice Cream🍦🍒


Food is More Than a Calculation