Food is More Than a Calculation

Reminder that food is so much more than a calculation. It is comfort, happiness, and love. Laughter around the dinner table and baking your grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe. Exploring new cultures and trying different cuisines for the first time. Sporadic late-night ice cream runs in the summertime. Morning-after bagel runs with your besties where you detail everything memorable from the night before. First dates and getting to know people who may just become lifelong lovers and friends. Celebrating big and small wins with the people we care most about.

Food brings so much good into our lives.

When we let diet culture and toxic nutritional beliefs become the central focus of our life, we miss out on memories.

Try to give these special moments more value in your life. The ones that make diets, calories, macros appear to be trivial in the grand scheme of life. Because in the end, these memories are what we will remember, be known for, and hold closest to us!


Early I Wake to Count Out My Lunch

