
Comparison really is the thief of joy. And although this act of comparing ourselves to others wasn’t developed with malicious intent (rather to serve as a survival mechanism), it’s still a pain in butt to deal with sometimes 🙃.

It seems like we’re constantly, subconsciously taking note of how we’re less than somebody else. Whether it be someone’s European summer vacation, where they live, their clothing style, follower count, job title, degree level, gpa, appearance, income, status, etc.

It’s so easy to go on this downward of spiral of thinking we don’t have enough and we aren’t enough. And maybe it’s impossible to completely rid ourselves of this habit, but something I’ve been doing to minimize the adverse effects of comparison is writing out things past me would be so proud of present me for doing/accomplishing/having/etc.

Here are some examples!

• Having a much more intuitive and gentle relationship with food where I don’t count calories anymore ❤️‍🩹

• Being at a college I absolutely love & finding a study I am so passionate about (finance & startups!) 📚

• Studying abroad my first semester of college & getting wayyy outside my comfort zone 🕺🏻

• Being a co-vp this upcoming semester of a campus club I love dearly & having more of a leadership role 🚀

• Liking who I am & loving who I am becoming ✨

There is a little you that wants you to know you are enough, and you should be so proud of who you are today. All of the things you’ve accomplished, the battles you’ve overcome, and the growth that’s taken place. Remind yourself of this more often 🤍

x Emma


Food is More Than a Calculation


Emotional Eating