Reminders for Today

Start of a new month…so let’s reaffirm a few things:

1. You are stunning, beautiful, and gorgeous.

2. You are exactly where you need to be right now at this stage in your life. Take a step back from hyper-fixating on the future for a sec, stop comparing your journey to other people’s (no two paths will look exactly alike), and appreciate how far you’ve come - little you would be so stinkin proud!

3. Food is meant to enjoyed, not stressed over. Eat a mix of nutrient dense foods that make you feel good + foods that are good for your soul. It does not need to be that complicated or calculated (contrary to diet culture).

4. If something is not serving you anymore, it simply must go. Set those boundaries, distance yourself, and remove yourself from the situation if needed. It is OK to affirm your limits to protect your peace.

5. Let yourself be bored. You don’t always need to be doing something productive. Take the time to rest & recover so you can refocus your values, perspective, intentions, and priorities. Give yourself permission to kick up your feet, grab a bowl of honey twists & lightly salted Tostitos, and binge watch Suits on Netflix. You deserve it you hard working queen 👸.


You Are So Much More Than a Body to Be Looked At


Skinnier Does Not Automatically Equate to Happier