International Women’s Day 🌷

A letter to my younger self + some ladies that have been by my side through it all & are the true epitome of empowering, supportive & inspiring woman 🤍

Boys shouldn’t be mocking you or making you feel outcasted for liking “girly” things. And you don’t need to force yourself to like things that guys like in an attempt to gain respect from them and to “differentiate” yourself from other girls. Men should respect you no matter how you are. And being a girl and liking so-called girly things isn’t embarrassing or something to look down upon. Keep loving these so-called “girly” things unapologetically and with your whole heart.

It’s not “out of character” for a girl to speak up, assert her opinions and boundaries, and value her own needs and desires. We are people, and just like men, have our own minds with our own thought processes, beliefs, opinions, preferences, perspectives, voices, etc.

It’s not your job as a woman to appease everyone and create as little contention as possible. You’re allowed to be bold and draw attention to yourself, even if being “loud” makes some people uncomfortable. Because taking up space as a girl is powerful and empowering, not dramatic or attention-seeking.

You do not need to wait for a man or anyone else to tell you are beautiful, worthy, or enough to feel beautiful, worthy, and enough. You’re allowed to tell yourself you’re all of these amazing things and believe it because you are all of these amazing things!

Having a sensitive, feminine side doesn’t make you fragile. It makes you so strong because being able to truly honor and feel your emotions takes so much strength and courage.

Although we’re nurtured to believe our appearance is the most salient determinant of our worth in this world as women, your worth stems FAR beyond what simply meets the eye.

You don’t need to make it your mission or go out of your way to “prove yourself” to men in order to gain respect from them. You’re allowed to disengage, keep doing you, and wait for them to see you kick ass in action.

Don’t ever make yourself small when a man disrespects you or makes you feel less than (i.e. talks over you, ignores a comment you make, patronizes you, mansplains, etc.). Call them out, speak even louder, don’t be afraid to reciprocate the energy by cutting them off mid-sentence 💅, and/or remind them that you’re a person too and your voice is one worth hearing!

Stop using “just” because you’re scared to make an ask or voice your opinion. And stop saying sorry when you have nothing to apologize for, especially in emails. It’s OK to use a neutral tone. You’re not being rude or a “bitch” if you choose to remove marginalizing and passive phrases.

Being a woman doesn’t make you any less deserving of being treated with equal recognition, respect & consideration.

Being a women is a beautiful beautiful thing & please never let anyone make you think differently.

Happy International Women’s Day to all women and individuals out there who are celebrating and identify with today 💖.


Emotional Eating


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