Why I’m Against Intermittent Fasting

I want to preface by saying I am not trying to offend or convert anyone that chooses to practice intermittent fasting. If you find it works for you, cool beans 👍🏼. Everyone’s entitled to making their own decisions & I can’t say what works for anyone else but myself.

HOWEVER, I do want to say to be careful with it, since it can very easily become dangerous if you’re struggling with any form of disordered eating.

I used to only allow myself to eat during a certain time frame & would try my hardest to ignore any cravings or hunger cues that arose outside of it.

It ended up messing with my sleep schedule, attention span, patience, temper, school grades, and digestion. My ability to be present with friends & family and hold space for others. How I performed in sports and my strength levels. My mental health and literally every aspect of my life.

Fasting became a game where the goal was to hold out as long as possible before eating. And I wanted to win so badly. To feel superior for having “restraint” and “willpower” over food. Even if it meant becoming lightheaded, irritable or faint.

I became so out of tune with my body & was simply sabotaging myself. Intentionally hurting myself to have some semblance of “control”.

I didn’t have any control though. It lied in the hands of the restrictive voice inside my head.

I am now the happiest I’ve ever been and don’t track calories, weight, body measurements, or restrict food in any way, shape or form. I now practice intuitive eating & let my body guide me in making choices around food. I honor all cravings and respect hunger cues, no matter the time of day.

Before you continue with or decide to try intermittent fasting, I encourage you to think about these words, and ask yourself if you truly feel good, mentally and physically, when only allowing yourself to eat in a certain time frame. Is it worth any of the side effects that come with it?

One last note: You deserve to live a life where your eating patterns don’t control or define you, and you have a happy & healthy relationship with food <3

x Emma


Dear Person A


You Are So Much More Than a Body to Be Looked At