You Can Eat Dessert Even When it’s Not a Special Occasion

Dessert does not need to be earned or saved for special occasions! Placing certain foods on pedestals while demonizing others will be so much more harmful to your health in the long-run than enjoying some chocolate, ice cream, or a single serve cinnamon roll ever will be (see below <3).

Food is not meant to be stressed over, and there is so much more to life than solely fixating on the number on the scale, calories in a dish, or your jean size. Food is meant to be enjoyed and not used as a way to punish ourselves. You deserve to have a happy, healthy, intuitive, and gentle relationship with food, and live a life where the food you consume, your body image, and diet culture aren’t expending all of your mental energy and capacity. 

Food is so much more than a calculation and does not always need to serve the purpose of providing us with “fuel” or being a “nutritious” option. It is also meant to be enjoyed! Because life is way too fricken short to not enjoy what you eat :) 

x Emma


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