Body Trends, Body Trends, What’s Trending Now?

Body trends, body trends, what’s trending now?

Can mine finally be or has another ideal come back around? Why haven’t you heard! Heroin chic has made a comeback. Removal of implants are on the rise and low rise jeans are back on the racks. Except this time the trend is fueled by a different type of drug. One that was never intended for the masses. Nevertheless, we have returned to our hyper-fixation on thinness. Although I guess the waifish look never truly fell out of fashion. 

It’s thick to thin, curvy to straight. Over and under, loop around, back again just to keep pace. Always trending, never ending. Reducing me to a shape-shifting mannequin just to keep me spending. On these industries profiteering off of my insecurities. Ones they planted there themselves. Always cycling to keep the cash flowing. The big boss only concerned with amassing his wealth.

Well isn’t my body my own? Unique to me? Not some cyclical trend that needs constant altering. Is it not of the same value irregardless of its shape or size? And its adherence, or lack of, to the ideal body at any given time? Since, after all, my body is a vehicle for my soul. Containing everything that makes me, me. The good and the bad, the messy and the healed. And everything that’s of real importance in this world, I hope you’ll see.



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